Thursday, December 22, 2011
Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
Friday, December 2, 2011
Saatnya Mandiri dan belajar Tarding sendiri
Bergabung disini bukan hanya sekedar investasi tapi bagi member yang serius dan mau belajar trading kami mengadakan pelatihan dan bimbingan sampai anda benar-benar mahir dalam melakukan trading. 4D (Duduk Diam Dapat Duit) itu BOHONG dan kami tidak mengajarkan itu. Kami hanya berbagi ilmu, kita harus sadar bahwa segala sesuatu itu ada resikonya, yang bisa kita lakukan adalah bagaimana cara meminimalisir resiko tersebut. Duduk Diam Dapat Duit harus di dahului oleh ilmu; yang bisa melihat hikmah dari segala kejadian.
Jika Anda Tertarik untuk belajar trading silahkan hubungi kami, Kami mengadakan seminar rutin tiap bulan di Grand Hotel Situ Buleud Purwakarta dan kami juga mengadakan training bagi member yang serius. Atau jika Anda Mau mengadakan seminar dan pelatihan trading di kota Anda sendiri kami siap di undang untuk berbagi ilmu. Ilmu trading tidak diajarkan di bangku sekolah, maka dari itu ambil kesempatan ini. siapapun anda bahkan tukang ojek sekalipun, anda pasti bisa trading. tak ada yang sulit didunia ini kecuali anda malas.
Investor sejati bukan kaya dari uang member tapi kaya dari hasil investasinya, Jika ada bisnis investasi dengan iming-iming ROI ataupun Profit yang besar itu BOHONG BESAR jika anda harus merekrut member, uang yang anda dapatkan adalah uang member bukan uang dari hasil investasi. yang seperti ini bukanlah investor tapi perampok. mulai sekarang kami menghimbau kepada rekan-rekan ayo jadi investor sejati, jangan jadi investor abal-abal yang mengorbankan member. kita telah di beri banyak pelajaran dari BO yang berkedok investasi dari luar dengan kantor yang tidak jelas dan semua telah terbukti jika member sudah banyak akhirnya berujung dengan SCAM. sekarang saatnya belajar investasi nyata dan belajar trading sendiri Bro, Ayo yang serius mau belajar trading silahkan hubungi kami, atau yang mau invest saja silahkan klik dan buktikan bahwa kami nyata dan anti SCAM, Kami menyediakan 3 paket pilihan investasi.
Support by : http://www.investor-ind.com
Monday, November 28, 2011
Bisnis investasi nyata, anti scam
"Solusi untuk Anda yang sudah bosan dengan Bisnis Online, MLM, Arisan Berantai atau jenis investasi bisnis lainnya, Investor-Ind.Com siap membantu Anda mendapatkan profit harian tanpa harus merekrut member baru dan mengembangkan jaringan." |
Friday, October 21, 2011
Lexusventure - Hari Ini Anda Gabung Besok Anda Dibayar
- Apakah Anda sedang mencari peluang investasi dengan layanan yang dirancang untuk memenuhi tujuan financail Anda Secara Otomatis?
- Apakah Anda mencari peluang investasi di pasar global negara berkembang?
- Apakah Anda ingin investasi dengan tingkat pertumbuhan Angka yang sangat Cepat dan Besar?
ID SPONSOR: 7766012
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Listrik Prabayar
Kalau Anda terbiasa dimudahkan dengan layanan prabayar untuk telepon genggam, seperti itu pula yang akan Anda rasakan dengan layanan listrik prabayar.
Tarip listrik Prabayar sesuai dengan Tarip Dasar Listrik (TDL Tahun 2004), yakni Tarip Multiguna untuk pelanggan Reklame, Billboard, pedagang Kaki-Lima dsb sebesar Rp 1.380/ kWh. Bila dibandingkan dengan tarip reguler, maka listrik prabayar boleh dikatakan lebih murah. Karena pelanggan tidak perlu lagi membayar Uang Jaminan Langganan (UJL), sementara harga per kWh-nya tetap (flat). Dengan listrik prabayar, keuntungan ganda diperoleh pelanggan, disamping dapat mengkontrol pemakaian listrik sesuai kemampuan biaya, juga tidak dikenakan UJL.
o Energi Listrik (kWh), Pajak Penerangan Jalan (PPJ) dan Meterai
o Pilihan besaran isi ulang bebas, dengan nilai minimum Rp 50.000,- s/d Rp. 5.000.000,-
o Tidak ada Biaya Beban
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
bandung familiar to the corner
Although a little drizzle, do not discourage the participants who are mostly school students International Bandung Alliance International School (BAIS) is located in the Kota Baru Parahyangan, to get to know the city of Bandung is more intimate. The goals of Tourismagination is simple. Giving treats tourism city, in the form of exposure to the unique history it has.
So, why the participants of international school students? Simply order the new event was first held and a series of activities Helarfest 2009 is also the consumption of outsiders (read tourists). Thus, Bandung also has something that can be remembered by students of international schools, which is then stored in their memories when I go home to their respective countries.
The Coordinator Toursimagination A. Herdiansyah Vishnu, the purpose of this event more in an effort to introduce the city of Bandung "tourism activity should not be monotonous, a walk to see and enjoy the architecture of buildings can be categorized as tourism activities." He said. Some of the sites visited was a place visited by many people, such as the Great Mosque, Aston (the Green Hotel), Airplane and Gedung Sate.
The participants were seen enjoying a series of activities until the end of this Tourismagination at 17.00 on Gedung Sate. This event will be held back each week with different participants. Including local school students who will get their turn to attend this introduction Bandung
Know Jakarta
Incidentally every day is always seen holding the Treasury Building that was built the Dutch colonial period, this allows the children to make 'initial hypothesis' characteristics of the building made by the Dutch. In addition, the park is the former of those schools 'Wilhemina Park' and in some places there is still a triumph sisa2 Wilhemina Park can be seen.
Meanwhile, the physical characteristics that have been captured they are:
The walls are thick
The building height
There are large pillars and high
Windows and doors were large
Many of the arch-arch
Sometimes there are stairs in front of him
Vocabulary name change New York:
Sunda Kelapa
Jayakarta (Fatahillah)
Batavia (Netherlands)
Jakarta (Japanese)
For reference reading and increase knowledge, bedtime story is replaced with Jakarta history stories taken from the book "Jakarta Tempo Doeloe (Abdul Hakim, JJ de Vries)" black and white book has become very attractive for them because they could see the places where every our days passed, of course, while comparing with the present conditions where there is still intact and there is already changed.
Unfortunately, we have not managed to invite them into the old town in the city area, because now they're fun-fun bike tour around the complex (understand, the new Saturday Rahma yesterday finally managed to ride a bicycle wheel 2 smoothly, thank God).
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
bisnis pulsa listrik menjanjikan dalam jangka panjang
dan semakin lama,prospek bisnis ini masih sangat menjanjikan keuntungan dan sifat jangka panjangnya. kenapa? karena kita mengacu dari jumlah pengguna telekomunikasi di negeri ini yang semakin hari semakin bertambah...
dari 230 juta penduduk indonesia, sudah 170 an juta penduduk indonesia menggunakan Handphone dan lebih dari 95 persen pengguna handphone memilih kartu prabayar...
Luar biasa kan prospeknya!!
karena besarnya hal tersebut, maka dibentuklah wadah baru untuk menaungi pengusaha agen bisnis pulsa, yang diberi nama Aspindo, asosiasi server pulsa indonesia yang dibentuk 15 juli 2010 dengan berangotakan 1500 anggota.
Menurut data dari Aspindo, 60 persen penjualan pulsa didominasi oleh penjualan pulsa dibawah nominal 10 ribu...
know batam
Batam Island was first inhabited by the Malay people as the strait since the year 231 AD. The island that was once the terrain of struggle Admiral Hang Nadim in the fight against these invaders used by the government in the 1960s as a logistics base in Pulau Sambu petroleum.
In the decade of the 1970s, with the initial goal of making Singapore its Batam Indonesia, then according to Presidential Decree No 41 of 1973, Batam Island established as a working environment in industrial areas is supported by the Industrial Development Authority Batam Island or better known as the Batam Authority Board (BOB) as a driver of development of Batam.
With the rapid development of Batam Island, in the decade of the 1980s, based on Government Regulation No. 34 of 1983, districts that are part of Batam Riau Island regency, improved status of the Batam municipality has the task of running the government administration and social and development undertaken mendudukung Batam Authority.
In the era of the Reformation in the late decades of the 1990s, by Act number 53 of 1999, the Municipality of Batam changed administratively autonomous status to the Batam City Government to carry out the functions of government and development by involving the Batam Authority Board.
The city that is part of Riau Islands province has an area of land covering an area of 715 km ² or about 115% of Singapore's territory, while the total area reached 1.570.35 km ². Batam City is tropical with average temperatures of 26 to 34 degrees Celsius. The city has a hilly terrain and berlembah. The land of red soil is less fertile.
The boundaries of Batam City:
The northern borders with Singapore and Malaysia
The south by District-Linga Daik
East by the island of Bintan and cape nut
The west is bordered by Karimun Regency
Community Batam is a heterogeneous society composed of diverse races and classes. Some tribes are predominantly ethnic Malay, Minang, Batak, Makassar, Java, Flores, Chinese and others. With Malay have smth. As an umbrella culture and upholds unity in diversity, Batam be conducive in propelling economic activities, social politics and culture in society. Until December 2008, Batam has a population of approximately 915,882 people and has a population growth rate is quite high. In the period 2001 to 2008, has a population growth rate on average over 8 percent per year.
Islam is the religion of the majority in the city of Batam. Masjid Raya Batam is located in the center of town, adjacent to the square, the mayor's office and the DPRD office became a symbol of the religious people of Batam. Christianity and Catholicism are also shared by many people of Batam, especially those from the tribe of Batak and Flores. Buddhism is mostly held by Chinese citizens. Batam has a monastery that supposedly the largest in Southeast Asia, namely Vihara Duta Maitreya.
Indonesian is used as the language of instruction daily. Local languages are also used by people from other areas, such as language Minang, Batak language, Javanese, Makassar, and also Chinese. It so happened since is a lively meeting place of various ethnic groups.
Batam economic growth higher than the national rate of economic growth make this area a mainstay for the driver of economic growth both nationally and for the Province of Riau Islands. Various sectors of the economy drive covering the communications sector, electricity sector, water and gas, banking sector, industrial sector and over the ship, trade and services sector is the economic pulse batam city that not only is the consumption of Batam and Indonesia but is also a commodity exports to other countries . The existence of economic activities in the city is also in order to increase employment and welfare.
Batam City Government of Batam City as development practitioners together the House of Representatives and the City Batam Batam Authority's participation in the continued development, a commitment in promoting investment and economic growth in Batam, this is evidenced by the memorandum of understanding these three agencies, which then expected creation of a sustainable development of Batam. Batam, Bintan and Karimun along with now has the status of Special Economic Zones (KEK). With this expected to increase the investment in Batam are ultimately aimed at improving the welfare of society.
Development of Telecommunications in Batam is quite rapid. The following are some of the media in batam.
Television Station:
Batam TV
Peninsula Television
Urban TV
Barelang TV
Hang Tuah TV
Radio Station:
Kei Radio 102.3FM
Be Radio 107FM
Batam RAMAKO Radio 100.7FM
Zoo Radio 101.6FM
DISCOVERY Minang Radio 87.6FM
Sheila Radio 104.3FM
Alpha Omega Radio 107.7FM
Sing Radio 105.5FM
New Era Radio 106.5FM
Salam Radio 102.7FM
Hang FM radio
Wiraga FM radio
FM Radio Idol
Gress FM radio
M3 Radio FM
Wiraga FM radio
G-Fan Radio FM
Artist & Model origin Batam:
Vira Yuniar
Arief Yusmita
Brownies Band
Cleo Band
Mayor and the local parliament building beside
In realizing the sustainability of democratization and governance in Batam city, in January 2006, was held for mayor and deputy mayor of Batam. Through the process of an orderly and safe, then selected and the establishment of Drs. H. Ahmad Dahlan and Ir. Ria Saptarika as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Batam period 2006-2011.
Distribution Area
Batam City consists of 12 (twelve) districts, namely:
Kecamatan Batam City
Subdistrict Nongsa
Subdistrict Bengkong
Kecamatan Batu Ampar
Subdistrict Sekupang
Rear Kecamatan Padang
Subdistrict headdress
Subdistrict Sagulung
Kecamatan Galang
Subdistrict Lubuk Baja
River Subdistrict drum
Subdistrict Batuaji
Batam city has many public and private schools ranging from elementary to high school level. State Universities in Batam is a Maritime University Raja Ali Haji (Umrah) or more in the know with the name of the Batam Polytechnic. In addition there are many private colleges such as Batam International University (UIB), University of Batam (Uniba), STIE Ibn Sina, STT Bentara Persada, Riau Islands University (Unrika) etc..
Access to Batam
Access to the City of Batam can be reached through the air and sea. Through the air, can be achieved via Batam Hang Nadim International Airport which flies direct flights from many cities in Indonesia, like Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Padang, etc.. Batam also has five international ferry port connecting it to Singapore and Malaysia: Batam Center, Batu Ampar (Harbor Bay), Nongsa, Waterfront City, and Sekupang.
Batam City as a tourism city, serves a variety of tourist facilities and beaches of marine tourism, cultural tourism and the arts, shopping, economy travel and conferences, as well as humanitarian tours. Supported by the availability of hotels and resort facilities with an international-class standards and the various events organized in Batam City Tourism Calendar of Events which is expected to ensure the comfort and satisfaction in domestic and foreign tourists visiting the city of Batam.
Attractions in Batam:
Barelang Bridge (Icon of Batam City)
Former Vietnamese refugee camp on Galang island
Coast Nongsa
Pantai Melur
Coast Malay (found on Galang Island)
Coast Sekilak
Coast City Marina
Tanjung Edge (there is a statue of a giant goddess Kwan-Im)
A variety of resorts that provide facilities of international standard hotels, golf etc..
Shopping attractions:
Komplek Nagoya
Complex Jodoh
Mega Mall
Nagoya Hill Mall
Batam City Square (BCS) Mall
Top 100 Penuin
Diamond City (DC) Mall
Lucky Plaza (Central sales of HP)
Mymart (Center for Computer sales)
SP Plaza
Panbil Mall
Batamindo Plaza (located in Industrial Zone Batamindo)
Plaza Aviari
Sagulung Mall
58% Pengakses Internet di Indonesia Gunakan Ponsel
Defanie Arianti - Okezone
JAKARTA - Berdasarkan temuannya dalam studi tren internet dan perilaku online masyarakat Indonesia, Yahoo dan firma riset TNS yakin bahwa perangkat mobile bakal menjadi pilihan utama akses internet tanah air di masa mendatang.Suresh Subramanian selaku Deputy Managing Director TNS Indonesia memaparkan bahwa 58 persen Netizen Indonesia saat ini mengakses internet lewat ponsel mereka. Angka ini melesat jauh dibandingkan 2009 lalu (22 persen) dan naik 10 persen dari 2010.
"Meningkatnya akses internet lewat mobile ini jelas didorong oleh semakin banyaknya ponsel pintar dengan harga terjangkau di pasaran," ujar Suresh kepada media di kantor baru Yahoo Indonesia di Sentral Senayan II, Selasa (26/7/2011).
"Kini, kemanapun anda pergi, anda akan melihat iklan-iklan yang menawarkan ponsel produksi lokal dengan kemampuan mirip smartphone branded tapi dengan harga bersahabat," lanjutnya.
Penggunaan internet mobile yang terus meningkat cukup memberikan dampak terhadap bisnis warung internet (warnet). Net Index 2011 mencatat kini 'hanya' 60 persen pengguna yang mengakses internet di warnet, turun dari angka tahun 2010 (64 persen) dan 2009 (83 persen).
Sementara untuk penggunaan di rumah, Suresh mengakui masih cukup sulit diadopsi masyarakat Indonesia. "Biaya koneksi internet di rumah masih terbilang tinggi. Untuk memiliki koneksi ADSL di rumah, kita harus menyiapkan dana hingga USD60 per bulan (sekira Rp511 ribu). Bandingkan dengan paket berlangganan mobile yang sudah bisa diperoleh dengan biaya USD9 (sekira Rp76 ribu)," papar Suresh.
Meski demikian, angka penggunaan internet di rumah pun meningkat dari 25 persen di 2010 menjadi 32 persen tahun ini. Tempat mengakses internet populer lainnya di Indonesia antara lain kantor (18 persen), sekolah (13 persen), rumah teman (5 persen) dan tempat-tempat umum dengan fasilitas WiFi (4 persen).
Monday, July 25, 2011
Let's Know Bali Closer
Well, for you-especially the newly-will visit Bali, precise and complete guide can be the perfect solution for surround Bali. Yes, for those who had often visited Bali may not require specific guidance about the city. But for those who first visited, information about Bali is certainly very necessary.
For example, what's most convenient transportation to take you to the island's. Airplane, bus, or boat? Even if you've decided to use one of the transport service that, upon arrival you have to pocket the information about local transportation costs should be excluded.
Bagitupun with tourist attractions and lodging facilities located in Bali. Each district has a superior tourist and lodging facilities themselves. No way dong, you come to it without the provision of clear information!
Related to it, GagasMedia published a book containing 'all about' Bali Bali titled Streets & Great works of Mary Eucharistic Bawantara. This book contains information about tourist attractions and all the knick-perniknya from each district. Starting from information on beach tourism, tourist attraction places, the access that can be passed, accommodation, to other facilities such as restaurants, lodging, banking facilities, until the game means that there is discussed thoroughly in this book. Surely, this book could be the right guide for you who really want to explore the island as a whole.
Travel Guide to Bali
Bali is the place most frequented by painters, artists and photographers who dream of visiting a very beautiful place.
Bali scenery is breathtaking for landscape artists who want to paint on canvas. Those who love photography will find the destination of a perfect dream.
Bali is famous sabagai land of the Gods. Pleasant climate here, a large rainfall as well as the sun is always shining. From July to early September is the time of visit to Bali, and is the busiest time of every year in Bali.
Bali can be reached through air travel as most international flights from all continents, America, Europe, Australia and Asia are leaving for Bali. Cruise ships also docked here. Domestic flights and ferries also depart from several regions in Indonesia to come here.
Places to visit in Bali
There are many places to visit in Bali. Places of interest are the Sanur Beach, Kuta Beach, Uluwatu, Tanah Lot, Ubud, Goa Gajah, Klungkung, etc..
Sanur beach has a lot of myths and legends associated with this place. Sanur beach is more than a legend associated with the unique charm of her beauty. White sands of Kuta Beach was breathtaking. Besakih referred to as the holiest temple in Bali. Then there is the beautiful Mount Batur and its tributaries.
The tourists find Bali as a place that is very interesting because of the various activities there. Among them there is bungee jumping is a favorite.
The sensation of jumping from high places indescribable with words. There is also a waterfall jump in Bali that adrenaline pumping. Paragliding is another activity chosen by the tourists. Swimming and surfing is a regular activity held on the beach in Bali. A person can even go scuba diving in Bali but the cost is quite expensive. Ensure all activity is safe and very attractive. Windsurfing, waterskiing, jet skiing, anything can be done here. Bali is a place where every adventurer wants it. Bali offers an unforgettable experience in life.
Transportation in Bali
Various means of transportation such as taxis here, buses, and bemo. Sometimes Bali too full of strangers and tourists who cause a lot of congestion. Bali of course, is one of the places where the tourists want to visit at least once in a lifetime.
Accomodation in Bali
Bali has a lot of accomodation, ranging from small inns to luxurious resorts. Tourists can choose to rent a villa or a house with a swimming pool pribadi.Untuk get a list of resorts in Bali,
Calculator property to Baly
Property investors looking to buy or rent a property in Bali, you should try Calculator Residential Property us to Bali.